Ormai amico degli indigeni, il naufrago prova a sfamarsi cuocendo una pannocchia.È allora che allo sciamano viene un'idea: fargli assaggiare i nuovi Cracker ...
Scopri di più su: http://www.granpavesi.it In una assolata isola "deserta" un naufrago cerca di cavarsela come può, fino a quando gli indigeni che popolano la spiaggia di fianco scoprono il suo SOS e corrono in suo aiuto perché... quando si condivide va tutto meglio!

Hungry ! - this short film requires no description; it speaks for itself.

Marcus plays James Diablo, a Shakespearean cabaret actor. 'That's English' is broadcast on Spanish TV for Spanish students learning English. This is an edited version of the programme.

Marcus plays 'Colin', a gardener who tries to spread art and free thought in a dystopian state and in so doing falls in love. It results in disasterous consequences. This is a slightly edited version of the film.

Marcus plays 'The Doctor' a mental patient who has escaped from his cell and is masquerading as a real doctor in his mental hospital. This is a short clip from the film.

Marcus plays a lovable but puerile, irresponsible and manipulative ex-husband.

Marcus plays the illegal cab driver in the 2012 'Be Cabwise' Transport for London [TfL] public information film.

Marcus plays a zombie in this short film made for the '666 Short Cuts to Hell Horror Film Challenge' competition (www.shortcutstohell.com).

Marcus plays Delilah, a transvestite, in this shocking meditation on the lifestyle of Generation Naughties. Set in the East End's party scene featuring a cast of real-life East London hipsters, the film features a unique soundtrack from underground artists such Bo Ningen and Feral AKA MC Kinky. [www.imdb.com/title/tt1855254]
2012 Dinard British Film Festival: Nominated, Golden Hitchcock
2012 Raindance Film Festival: Nominated, Jury Prize (Best UK Feature)

Marcus plays a stepfather having to impart dire news to his stepdaughter. With Helena Donald [www.helenagracedonald.com].